Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fruit Medley

Blah! My brain isn't functioning correctly this morning. I think it's because I spent 4 hours last night staring at my computer screen, editing photos. My eyes hurt and I'm pretty sure I've killed some brain cells. So if I'm not making sense at some point- you now know why.

It's been a long road to get to this point. I've spent more time in the produce department than ever and I'm devastated to be out of vampire blood :( Thank goodness that Halloween is coming up. And thank goodness that AJ is such a patient person. He dealt with the stink from me putting an orange on a red hot stove (which still permeates through the apartment whenever we use that burner). He was also patient when I tried for 2 hours to light a lemon on fire on our barbecue with various flammable liquids- none of which worked. And our food still tastes like kerosene. So a shout out to the hubby who supports me no matter what (though he did ask that if I attempt fire again- not to do it on our bbq).

And now- without further ado, here are a few of my favorite images.

I've had so much fun with this project- I think it is definitely something I will continue. Come pomegranate season, I will be having some real fun!