Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I know it's a day late, but I've been under the weather:  Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope you all had an amazing day! 

Don't forget to click the 'follow' button on the right (or on the top left) to be entered into the giveaway.  Names will be drawn tomorrow night at 9 PM sharp!  So make sure you're entered before then!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


In my color theory class I was taught that there is a bias in all photography; the photographer. I look at life a certain way and it is reflected in how and what I shoot. But there is another bias in all photography and that is the viewer. No matter what the content of an image or emotion I feel I’ve captured, it’s unlikely we will see the same photo in the same way.

It reminds me of that old fable about the blind men and the elephant. You can read the whole poem here, but the just of it is this: Several blind men gather around an elephant to try and understand what exactly it is. One man feels the elephant’s side and thinks it’s like a wall. Another blind man feels the elephant’s trunk and thinks it’s like a snake. Yet another blind man feels the elephant’s legs and thinks it’s like a tree; And so forth and so on. The moral being that we all experience things differently and can't get the big picture from a little piece.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and on a different level than photography and elephants. A couple months ago I was talking to a coworker of mine who is greatly misunderstood. This woman has been called a number of bad names, been told she is lazy, and laughed at to her face. Yet she takes it all in with a grace I envy. I know it gets to her, she has told me that, and sometimes her frustrations get the better of her. But she keeps her head up and pushes forward. What most of our other coworkers don’t know is that she has been through a lot in her life. I don’t want to get into specifics because of anonymity, but she really does have quite the story. After she opened up to me I felt immediately humbled. My struggles are nothing compared to hers. She has overcome bad circumstances and even now works two full time jobs to support her family and future dreams.

I feel like I was one of those blind men that only knew one piece of the puzzle.

My coworker’s story reawakened something in me that had long been sleeping. I love people. I love their stories and histories and hopes and dreams. When I was younger I longed to hear what people had to say- what advice they had to give and what tales they had to share. I wanted to know their triumphs and where they faltered. I wanted to know how they saw the world.

I guess life got to me a bit. I got wrapped up in my own world. Not that it’s bad to take time for yourself. But when you are too focused on looking inward you lose sight of everyone else around you. And even though I hold a piece of the puzzle, too; I can’t do much with just one piece.

We have to remember that our perception is biased. We can’t hold the trunk of an elephant and make conclusions about what an elephant is. Life just doesn’t work that way. An open mind and understanding can work wonders on even the blindest of men.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mr. Trimble

I'm a lucky girl.  In April of this year I married the most amazing man I've ever met.  AJ has all the qualities I love but never thought I would find in one single person.  He is patient, compassionate, humble, good hearted, funny, and any other good adjective I can think of.  How did I stumble across such a catch?  I have no idea!  (But I do feel incredibly blessed.)

It was AJ's birthday this past Saturday so it only seems appropriate to show some photos of him.  Luckily, my husband is super patient and a good sport; he lets me snap pictures of him even though he is pretty shy about it.  Here are a few of my favorites:

AJ was my model for one of my photography classes a couple years ago.  Once he picked up his guitar he became much more comfortable in front of the lens.

He is also an amazing artist.  

He thinks it's just doodling, but his drawings are so amazing!

Want to see one of his finished drawings? Click here

Monday, December 6, 2010


Yes, I think I have a case of the Mondays.  What a horribly long day it has been!  The good news is I get to play with some cute little kittens that my parents have adopted.  Long story short, someone dumped four kittens at my parents house and neither my mom nor dad could bring themselves to take them to the shelter.  My parents are some of the coolest people ever.

I know they will cringe when they read this because it means their secret is out but, they now have 8 cats!  To be fair, four of them are techincally mine.  However, they reside at my parents' home, but it's a home full of love so it's a great place for some kitties to grow up.  They are probably the luckiest kittens ever.  And they have the cute-kitten-face down pat!!!  Look at this sweet girl:

Bat-Boo   (This is my mom's favorite of the bunch)

Hope this brightens your day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis the Season

It's December!   Can you believe it?  Me niether!  In honor of the holiday season, I want to do something for you, my readers.  So, if you are a follower of this blog you will be entered into a drawing.  Whoever is selected will win their choice of a free portrait session or a photograph they've seen on the blog.  The winner will be chosen on December  27th.

What are you waiting for?  Click the "follow" button.

Happy Wednesday night!