Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hello- is it me you're looking for?

I know that I promised there were more mutilated fruit pictures coming, and I swear they still are. I had a bit of trouble with working out some of my ideas- who knew it would be so difficult to light fruit on fire! Anyways, I do have a couple cool photos but I'm not done experimenting and I don't want to reveal anything just yet.

In the meantime I thought I would put up a couple of self portraits I did last year. Now these aren't the typical, hold-the-camera-out-in-front-of-you-and-smile self portrait that you see on Facebook or Myspace (though of course I've done that, too). These photos are very personal to me and represent who I am, not so much what I look like.

This first one you have already seen, but it's one of my favorites. I wasn't that fond of it to begin with, but over time it has really grown on me. I just wish I had washed the bottoms of my feet before I took it!

This photo is one I never, ever planned on showing other people. In an earlier post I said how showing people my photography made me feel like I was revealing my soul. Well, this picture is a two-fer because I'm baring it all- well almost. I'm baring a lot!

Well, that's it for now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! If you haven't already been to the state fair, you should definitely check it out- there are some amazing exhibits! I was there yesterday and it was HOT- but worth being a little sweaty. Tomorrow I plan on browsing the produce aisle so hopefully I'll get some more photos and put up that fruit/veggie series soon. Adios for now!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Summa Time!

Is it really already mid July? It feels like just yesterday I was welcoming in the new year and now here we are, over half way through. But I am glad it’s summer! I love the sunshine, playing in the river, and spending time with family and friends. However, the thing I love most about summer is the food! Not only is there yummy barbecue and strolling through the farmers market, but all my favorite fruits are in season. And in case you didn’t know I LOOOOOVE fruit! Watermelon, blackberries, cherries, cantaloupe, I want them all! As much as love to eat these fruits, I also get a certain pleasure out of using them for my own creative (and somewhat sadistic) purposes. Last semester, in perhaps the worst class I have ever taken, we were assigned to shoot an apple in any way we wanted. Inspired by my repulsion towards my professor and a tube of vampire blood I bought during Halloween, (best purchase ever, by the way) I went to town letting out my frustrations on an unsuspecting apple. This was the result:

I had so much fun shooting this and got such positive feedback that I decided to search further my subconscious desires to mutilate fruit and vegetables. So stay tuned- There is more to come soon!

Have a good week everyone!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


For awhile now I have been stewing about how to introduce my blog and photography into the world. I figured I would have to have a "grand opening" of sorts and put my best work out there right away to hook the attention of people. But over a week has passed now and the blog remains empty...until now. It occurred to me that maybe I would be better off diving right in and I was inspired to do so by a movie that I randomly got around to watching. See, I was supposed to work today but long story short, I was given the day off and decided to surf the Netflix page. A movie called "Cash Back" had gotten my attention weeks ago but I avoided temptation to indulge in my guilty pleasure of bad chick flicks until today. With the apartment empty and my creative juices all dried up I put on the movie not expecting anything more than mild entertainment. However, the movie brought rain to my mind's drought and I found myself identifying deeply with the main character and his deep appreciation for beauty in everything.
I'm taken back to when I first fell in love with photography and I'm starting to remember the reasons why I'm drawn to it. Two semesters ago I was taking a color theory class and at our portfolio review we had to discuss our work. I find it difficult to explain my photography to others- I feel like I'm revealing my soul to complete strangers. And much like falling in love, I feel completely vulnerable, as if at any moment my reality could shatter into fragments of a dream and everything I thought I had was never mine to begin with. My photographs are images not taken with a camera but with my soul and in them I see myself. So when I had to tell my classmates why I took the photographs I did, it was, "I want people to see the world through my eyes". And as simple as it seems, it is my whole world.
Today I jump start my photography from where I left it two months ago. I dust off my camera and pick myself up; No longer will I let hesitation and self doubt stop me from pursuing my passion. I only have one life to live and I can't let my fear of failure keep me from trying. I should be more afraid of an idle life that so easily sucks people in than anything else. It's time to start living an extraordinary life. With that, I welcome you to my blog. I hope you enjoy my photographs. And remember- beauty lies in everything, most often in places we overlook.

And because someone once said, a blog is more interesting with a photograph....

This picture was taken in the garage at my parent's house. I went out to grab something from the freezer and loved how the light outside illuminated the leaves.