Monday, July 19, 2010

Summa Time!

Is it really already mid July? It feels like just yesterday I was welcoming in the new year and now here we are, over half way through. But I am glad it’s summer! I love the sunshine, playing in the river, and spending time with family and friends. However, the thing I love most about summer is the food! Not only is there yummy barbecue and strolling through the farmers market, but all my favorite fruits are in season. And in case you didn’t know I LOOOOOVE fruit! Watermelon, blackberries, cherries, cantaloupe, I want them all! As much as love to eat these fruits, I also get a certain pleasure out of using them for my own creative (and somewhat sadistic) purposes. Last semester, in perhaps the worst class I have ever taken, we were assigned to shoot an apple in any way we wanted. Inspired by my repulsion towards my professor and a tube of vampire blood I bought during Halloween, (best purchase ever, by the way) I went to town letting out my frustrations on an unsuspecting apple. This was the result:

I had so much fun shooting this and got such positive feedback that I decided to search further my subconscious desires to mutilate fruit and vegetables. So stay tuned- There is more to come soon!

Have a good week everyone!

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